
Résumés des chapitres en anglais (Abstracts)

1. Family, activities and socio-economic needs

Bruno Sossa, Isséré Atcha and Mouftaou Amadou Sanni

Most development policies and programs are developed to meet the needs of the people. These needs arise from the analysis of the state of the population that is of interest to decision-makers at various levels as well as to planners. It reveals the relative weight of the components of the population by sex and age. To this end, this article describes the structure by sex and age as well as fertility and birth rate in the district of Tchaourou. In addition, socio-economic needs are addressed for the consequent development of development policies and programs.

Keywords: population status, socio-economic needs, district of Tchaourou

Tchando Ambroise Nahini

The different social groups are defined on the basis of the type of social relationship that exists between them. Indeed, language is a tool of cultural identity, a means of communication. It is therefore a component of development that facilitates interaction within society. In Tchaourou, the sociolinguistic configuration is very little documented. This article describes the relative weight of the different ethnic groups and the main languages spoken in the localities of the district of Tchaourou. The results show that the most dominant ethnic groups are Yoruba / Nago and related, Bariba and related. They are followed by Fon / Mahi and related and Ottamari and related. There is a cohabitation of these different socio-ethnic groups at the level of villages and city districts, on the one hand, and a form of concentration in certain localities, on the other hand.

Keywords: Language, ethnicity, sociolinguistic configuration, Tchaourou

Florette Aïssoun and Maxime Agbo

In this article, we used the nonmonetary approach to study poverty in the commune of Tchaourou in Benin. Through a Multiple Correspondence Analysis (PCA), a Composite Poverty Index (CPI) was calculated. This index, derived from the non-monetary indicators of basic needs, was used as a tool in the calculation of the different measures of poverty such as: the incidence of poverty, the depth of poverty and the severity of poverty. The results show that female-headed households are more affected by non-monetary poverty than those headed by men. The level of education of the head and the size of the household have a negative influence on non-monetary poverty. With regard to the marital status of heads of households, households headed by separated or divorced heads of households are more affected by non-monetary poverty. Finally, households with a head of household who is engaged in farming are more affected by poverty than those with a head of household in another branch of activity.

Keywords: Non-monetary poverty, household, Composite Poverty Index (PCI), Tchaourou.

Alassane Gbadamassi

The analysis of the statistical indicators on the level of education, vocational training and economic activities of adolescents and young people out of school in the district of Tchaourou and related factors was the subject of this article. The Multiple Correspondence Analysis made it possible to determine the profile of adolescents and out-of-school youth. Logistic regression is used to identify the factors that influence the owners’ economic activity. The result of this work is that the majority of these adolescents and young people have a secondary level of education. Most of them are trained in tailoring and hairdressing. Trade is the main economic activity that they engage in. Most of those who are out of school are men under the age of 18. On the other hand, the majority of married people among them are women aged 18 to 24 and more in the tertiary sector. Finally, those aged 18 to 24, female, non-single, and professionally trained, are the most likely to be economically active.

Keywords: level of education, economic activity, vocational training, adolescents and young people, out of school.


2. Schooling

Anselme Houéssigbédé and Judicaël Alladatin

This article aims to make a differential analysis of grade repetition in the commune of Tchaourou, the largest municipality in Benin. Repetition is a current phenomenon that has been the subject of several studies and analyzed from several angles. While some authors are interested in its causes and relative effectiveness, others look at its consequences, including the cost to both the student and his / her parents / guardians and the education system. Several factors are likely to affect the probability that a schoolchild will resume a class. We distinguish the personal characteristics of the student, those of the school system as well as those of the social or family environment of the student. This study, which is part of a quantitative approach, reveals the extent to which repetition rates may vary according to the student’s characteristics (gender and age) and those of his family environment.

Keywords: Repetition, primary education, determinants, family and social environment, student characteristics.

Elihou Adje and Mouftaou Amadou Sanni

Taking advantage of the exploitation of data on the education of persons aged 3 years and over in the 2016 NPHS survey in family homes in the district of Tchaourou in northern Benin, we examine the level dropout at the primary level among school dropouts aged 12-17 identified in the locality. It is established that 2 out of 3 out of 3, or 66 %, dropped out of primary school. These dropouts at the primary level are more numerous in villages than in relatively urbanized areas and live in relatively poor households or whose head has no level of education. While early schoolchildren do not drop out at all, the phenomenon is more often associated with late schooling in the education system, and in all classes, more intensively, from CE1 to CM2. Normal schoolchildren also drop out, but to a much lesser extent, and especially in CE1 and CM1 classes. Due to the limitations of the available data, it was not possible to investigate the actual or specific causes of dropping out, which, as a result, constitute scientific perspectives of this work.

Keywords: school dropout, primary education, profiles.

Judicaël Fernando

This article profiles teenagers and high school dropouts in the Tchaourou borough as a first step, and looks at what has become of teenagers and young dropouts after their vocational abandonment. Results from the analysis of the data show that the teenagers and young dropouts surveyed are predominantly female. Most of these dropout cases occur in lower secondary education at an average age of 18 years. After dropping out, just over half of these dropouts surveyed did not receive any vocational training and just under one-fifth of those dropouts surveyed have already completed vocational training. Of those who have already completed vocational training, half have not completed the end of training diploma. Among the discontinuers surveyed, 51.39 % have an income-generating activity. These are mostly self-employed or employees and are in the business field.

Keywords: stall, teens, youth, profile, vocational training

Bill-Lucas Kintomonho

Academic success is determined by the overall knowledge and skills of each learner. Several conditions favor a good assimilation of knowledge and the development of skills in each learner. Studies such as those conducted by Sauvy (1970) and Entwistle (1978) have shown that the social background of learners determines their academic success.

Our study aims to highlight the existence of a relationship between certain socio-economic factors and the School Success of Adolescents / Youth in the Central District of Tchaourou.
The analyzes of this study reveal that in the district of Tchaourou,

  • Adolescents / youth from polygamous families have a higher propensity to succeed in school than those from monogamous families;

  • Adolescents / Youth with a primary school education level or higher are less successful than those with parents of any level;

  • Adolescents / youth from affluent families are more likely to succeed than those from lower income families.

Keywords: Socio-economic factors, School success, Adolescents / Youth


3. Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youth

Landrine Laré and Mouftaou Amadou Sanni

Adolescent pregnancy seriously affects their health and also has social and economic consequences. This situation is a constant preoccupation of the international community, on which various studies have focused in order to better understand the phenomenon for appropriate measures. In this work, we are interested in the first teenage pregnancy in the district of Tchaourou (department of Borgou, in northern Benin). From our analyzes, it appears that teenage pregnancies in this environment occur at a rate of 15.57 %. The average and median ages at first pregnancy are both 15 years old. In addition, about 92 % of adolescent girls are or have been to school and 76 % of these teenagers had a first pregnancy before their 18th birthday. Coming into union, dropping out of school, deteriorating relationships with parents and health problems are the consequences of these first pregnancies most commonly listed.

Keywords: Pregnancy, Adolescents

Timar Gbaguidi

Development is not only an economic phenomenon, but a multidimensional process that combines the economic and the social. Pregnancy in schools is a social problem and therefore a hindrance to development. The purpose of this article is to assess the prevalence of school-related pregnancies, their consequences for schooling, and to profile these adolescents, who are victims of this phenomenon, with a view to facilitating the implementation of childcare policies. fight against pregnancy in schools. The results of our analysis show that, in total, about 155 cases of pregnancy were recorded during the last three years (2013-2014, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016) and that these pregnancies are more spread over the three school years. Most pregnancies occur between the ages of 15 and 17 (54.19 %) in grades 5 to 2 […]. About 70 % of women who get pregnant in school, but only 7 % of those who stop, resume classes after delivery.

Keywords: Pregnancy, school environment, Adolescent/Youth, women

Mohamadou Salifou and Judicaël Alladatin

The concept of teenage motherhood refers to the occurrence of a pregnancy or birth to a girl before the eighteenth birthday. It is a phenomenon likely to increase the probability of at-risk pregnancies, detrimental for both the future mother and the unborn child. This article aims to take stock of teenage motherhood and to understand the main explanatory factors for this phenomenon in the municipality of Tchaourou, the largest in Benin, where cases of school pregnancy and early marriages are in the process of spreading. . We hypothesize that socio-cultural, socio-economic and family factors influence adolescent motherhood as a result of intermediate variables (age at first intercourse, age at first marriage and contraceptive practice). Our findings reveal that teenage motherhood is explained by early onset of first sexual intercourse, early unionization, and low modern contraceptive prevalence. These various explanatory factors seem in turn to be determined by certain socio-cultural characteristics of adolescent girls. In this case, the early entry of adolescent girls in union and sexual life is strongly influenced by certain sociocultural factors, including religion and educational attainment. The environment in which girls live is also a differential factor in sexual and reproductive behaviors.

Keywords: adolescence, teenage motherhood, socio-cultural factors, socio-economic factors, family factors, intermediate variables

Djima Baranon and Mouftaou Amadou Sanni

In most cases, the analysis of family planning needs, in general, and the use of contraceptive methods, in particular, focus on married women or adolescents or young people. But, more and more, in sub-Saharan Africa, a mother-child context is developing rather than a mother-wife. Thus, this article proposes to examine the use of modern methods of contraception among women in need in family planning (FP). The population studied is all pubescent, sexually active, non-sterile, non-pregnant women who do not wish to conceive a pregnancy at the time of the survey. Those who do not use modern methods of contraception have unmet needs for effective family planning. The use of a modern method in the last three months preceding the survey is the variable explained. In order to highlight the factors that influence the use of these methods, a logistic regression was performed. The socialization environment, age, and educational level of women are the factors that have a significant influence on women’s use of modern contraception. Socialization in rural areas is an obstacle to the use of modern contraception; the youngest women (under age 20) are the least likely to adhere to these methods; women with higher levels of education or higher are more likely to practice modern contraceptive

Keywords: Contraception, family planning, modern methods.

Robert Ezin

In this article, we are interested in the different perceptions of abortion among adolescents and young people in the District of Tchaourou. The results show that the level of abortion of the first pregnancies recorded among the adolescents and girls surveyed is 9 % up to 5 % of voluntary abortion and 4 % of spontaneous abortions.

It should be noted that, 1 in 10 adolescents and young people considered it normal to resort to abortion in case of unwanted pregnancy. The main reasons given by the latter are: studies (51 %), family pressures (35 %), lack of financial means for monitoring pregnancy (34 %) and spousal responsibility (7 %). Those who do not approve of abortion even in case of unwanted pregnancy consider that the phenomenon is prohibited by religion (in the 53 % of them) or may have negative effects on the health of the mother such as the risk of dying (46 %) or infertility (28 %).

Adolescents who have had at least one unexpected sexual encounter more than once approve of abortion as well as those whose first pregnancy was unwanted. Also, individuals with the following profiles are more supportive of abortion: single with lover and respondents in union, Muslim and Protestant religion, and high levels of education. Adolescents and young men and women generally have similar views regarding the decision to resort to abortion in case of unwanted pregnancy.

Keywords: Abortion, perceptions, adolescents and young people.

Macaire Toyi

Information in a way of sexuality is not popularized today for young people. This knowledge deficit makes them vulnerable and exposes them to sexual behaviors that have negative consequences such as forced sex, sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies. This article examines access to information on sexuality among 12-24 year olds in schools in the district of Tchaourou. The results, obtained from data from the 2016 NPHS Survey, show that 60 % of 12-24 year olds are informed about sexuality. Girls (58 %) are as well informed as boys (62 %) thanks to the sources of information that are: parents and friends.

Keywords: Sexuality, School, sexual information


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Tchaourou, une commune béninoise Droit d'auteur © 2017 par Mouftaou Amadou Sanni est sous licence Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, sauf indication contraire.