Book Title: Disabilities in Haitian Schools
Subtitle: Preliminary results of a research project in southern Haiti in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew

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Book Description: Can academic disability be studied not as a physical or mental problem, but as aconsequence not only of inherent impairments, but also by adverse socio-economicand environmental representations and situations? This was the challenge acceptedby the authors of this collective work, which reports on the preliminary results of aresearch project carried out in southern departments of Haiti since the passage ofHurricane Matthew in 2016. Its aim is to help educational authorities find effectivesolutions for the setting.This book collects the texts that GIECLAT (Groupe d'Initiative pour l'Étude de laCognition, du Langage, de l'Apprentissage et des Troubles – Initiative Group forthe Study of Cognition, Language, Learning and Disorders), which has overseenthe project, presented to the Haitian educational community during a seminar heldon December 6, 2019 in Port-au-Prince, in collaboration with INUFOCAD (Institutuniversitaire de Formation des Cadres – University Institute for ManagementTraining), CASAS (Commission de l'adaptation scolaire et d'appui social du ministèrede l'éducation nationale – Commission for school adaptation and social supportof the Ministry of National Education), CEREGE (Centre de Recherche ÉducationGestion-Économiede l'Université publique de la Grand'Anse – Center for Researchin Education, Management and Economy of the Public University of Grand'Anse) andLangSE (Langue, Société, Éducation de l'Université d'État d'Haïti – Language, Society,Education of the State University of Haiti).
Book Information
Book Description
Can academic disability be studied not as a physical or mental problem, but as a consequence not only of inherent impairments, but also by adverse socio-economic and environmental representations and situations? This was the challenge accepted by the authors of this collective work, which reports on the preliminary results of a research project carried out in southern departments of Haiti since the passage of Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Its aim is to help educational authorities find effective solutions for the setting. This book collects the texts that GIECLAT (Groupe d’Initiative pour l’Étude de la Cognition, du Langage, de l’Apprentissage et des Troubles – Initiative Group for the Study of Cognition, Language, Learning and Disorders), which has overseen the project, presented to the Haitian educational community during a seminar held on December 6, 2019 in Port-au-Prince, in collaboration with INUFOCAD (Institut universitaire de Formation des Cadres – University Institute for Management Training), CASAS (Commission de l’adaptation scolaire et d’appui social du ministère de l’éducation nationale – Commission for school adaptation and social support of the Ministry of National Education), CEREGE (Centre de Recherche ÉducationGestion-Économie de l’Université publique de la Grand’Anse – Center for Research in Education, Management and Economy of the Public University of Grand’Anse) and LangSE (Langue, Société, Éducation de l’Université d’État d’Haïti – Language, Society, Education of the State University of Haiti).
Disabilities in Haitian Schools Copyright © 2020 by Rochambeau Lainy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Teaching of students with physical impairments or disabilities