
About the contributors

Mathias André is a graduate of the École nationale de la statistique et de l’administration économique (Ensae), has a doctorate in economics from the École Polytechnique and is an administrator at INSEE. He is an expert in charge of the elaboration of the national distributed accounts within INSEE, he was the rapporteur of the expert group on the measurement of redistribution and inequalities published in February 2021 and author of a report on redistributive issues for the Conseil des prélèvements obligatoires. He has published work on the microsimulation of socio-fiscal reforms and the role of various transfers in reducing inequalities (VAT, income tax, property tax). He also conducts studies on property wealth or inequalities and climate. He teaches microsimulation at Ensae.


Neil Andersson MD PhD is Professor of Family Medicine and Director of Participatory Research at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He specialises in large-scale community trials with an emphasis on patient and community engagement. Interventions in these trials have included prevention of vector-borne diseases, immunisation, cultural safety in childbirth, perinatal home visits, prevention of gender-based violence and access to social support for young women at risk of HIV. His contributions to trial methodology have emphasised early stakeholder engagement in the conceptualisation and design of interventions, and cluster analysis of outcomes. He advocates for the ethical and culturally safe inclusion of socially marginalised and indigenous groups in randomised controlled trials.


Habibata Baldé is a social scientist with a specialisation in Applied Social Sciences in Health and expertise in qualitative research. Since 2014, she has been actively involved in health research activities. She is currently a Technical Assistant at the African Centre of Excellence for the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases at the University of Conakry and a consultant for Guinea in a multi-country research project on the introduction of the Pulse Oximeter in primary health centres with the NGO ALIMA.


Carlo Barone is full professor of Sociology at the CRIS, Sciences Po, Paris. He is the director of the research group on educational policies of LIEPP, and he is affiliated to J-PAL. He conducts several policy impact evaluations in the field of education using randomized controlled trials as well as systematic reviews and meta-analyses. He has published several articles on educational inequalities, labor market inequalities and social mobility in leading sociology journals.


Loubna Belaid is an assistant professor of program evaluation at the École Nationale d’Administration Publique in Montreal, Canada. Her research interests focus on cultural safety and social justice in health programs and policies. She uses participatory approaches to co-design, implement and evaluate health programs with and for Aboriginal, racialized and marginalized communities in Canada and East Africa.


Genowefa Blundo-Canto is a social scientist at the French Agricultural Research Center for International Development (Cirad). Previously she worked as consultant and research fellow at Bioversity International and as a post-doc in impact assessment at the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). A development economist, she carries out research in impact evaluation of agricultural research for development (AR4D) interventions. She is particularly interested in methodological issues in impact assessment, focusing on integrated mixed methods, participatory and systemic approaches, and navigating complexity at multiple scales. She also combines participatory foresight with qualitative and quantitative impact assessment methods to broaden the scope of evaluations. Thematically, she focuses on the multidimensional and multi-scale impacts of interventions that enhance the use of agricultural biodiversity, with a special interest in food and nutrition security, social equity and power imbalances at multiple scales.


Abdourahmane Coulibaly is an anthropologist, teacher-researcher at the Faculty of Medicine and Odontostomatology (Mali) and member of the IRL “Environment – Health – Societies” UCAD, USTTB, CNRST – Ouagadougou, CNRS – France. He has participated in several research programmes on the implementation of health policies, including results-based financing, technological innovations in the field of health and analysis of the resilience of health institutions.  His research is largely based on the use of qualitative methods and the ethnographic approach.


Thomas Delahais is an evaluator and co-founder of the cooperative company Quadrant Conseil. His work focuses on the evaluation of complex interventions and in particular on contribution analysis, the evaluation of transition initiatives and the sociology of evaluation. He is a member of the editorial board of the Evaluation Journal.


Agathe Devaux-Spatarakis is a consultant and researcher for the Scop Quadrant Conseil. She conducts policy evaluation and methodological support missions for public organisations and NGOs in France and abroad. She has a PhD in political science and specialises in the development of evaluation methods adapted to social innovations and experiments, as well as the study of the use of evaluation results by policy makers.


Emanuele Ferragina is Professor of Sociology at Sciences Po, Paris; prior to his appointment in Paris he worked as a researcher and Departmental Lecturer at the University of Oxford. Emanuele studied in Turin, Bordeaux, London and Paris and received his DPhil in Social Policy from the University of Oxford. His work has been published in several journals in political economy, sociology, political science and social policy, such as the Review of International Political Economy, New Political Economy, Research in Social Stratification & Mobility, Socius, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Political Studies Review, Journal of European Social Policy, Social Policy & Administration, Social Politics, Social Policy & Society, Stato & Mercato, L’Année Sociologique.


Nicolas Fischer is a CNRS research fellow in political science at the Centre de recherches sociologiques sur le droit et les institutions pénales (CESDIP). His recent research has focused on the administrative detention of foreigners in France and immigration policies, on the independent control of detention facilities, and more broadly on the tension between violent repression and legal protection of stigmatised populations in democracies. He is currently investigating the medico-judicial controversies surrounding capital punishment by lethal injection in the United States. His publications include Le territoire de l’expulsion. La rétention administrative des étrangers et l’Etat de droit en France (Lyon: ENS Editions, 2017) and, with Camille Hamidi, Les politiques migratoires (Paris: la Découverte coll. Repères, 2016).


Denis Fougère is Director of Research at the CNRS. He is a member of the Centre for Research on Social Inequalities (CRIS) and the Laboratory for interdisciplinary evaluation of public policies (LIEPP) at Sciences Po Paris. He teaches economics of education and statistical methods of public policy evaluation at Sciences Po Paris. He is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR, London) and at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA, Bonn). His current research focuses on the evaluation of education policies and pension reforms in France. He has published articles in several international journals, such as Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, Economic Journal, European Economic Review, European Sociological Review, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, The Econometrics Journal, Journal of Population Economics, Labour Economics, etc.


Lara Gautier is an assistant professor at the School of Public Health of the University of Montreal and a regular researcher at the Centre de recherche en santé publique, and at the SHERPA Research Institute, in Montreal, Canada. Trained in public health and political science, she has scientific expertise in participatory evaluation of health services using qualitative and mixed research methods.


Pauline Givord has been Head of the Economic Studies Department of the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) since December 2022. Previously, she held several positions within INSEE, focusing on economic studies on a wide range of subjects and statistical methodology. An expert in econometric methods for evaluating public policies, she also participated in the creation of the SSP-Lab at INSEE, which aims to promote innovation in data sources and data science methods relating to the statistical output of the official statistical system (SSP). She has also worked at the Centre for Economic and Statistical Research (Crest), the OECD, and the Directorate for Research Coordination (Dares) at the Ministry of Labour, where she was in charge of monitoring the evaluation of the Investment Plan in Skills. She is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and ENSAE, holds a PhD in economics and a habilitation to supervise research.


Charlotte Halpern holds a PhD in political science and is Tenured Researcher in Political Science at the Centre for European Studies (CEE) of Sciences Po and codirector of the Environmental policy research group at the Laboratory for interdisciplinary evaluation of public policies (LIEPP). Her published works examine processes of policy change and the relationship between social mobilisations and dynamics of state restructuring. Her current research focuses on the governing of sustainable transition policies in European cities. Recent publications include special issues and articles in journals (e.g., Comparative European Politics; West European Politics; Politique européenne …) and two edited volumes, Policy analysis in France (Policy press, 2018 co-ed. with P. Hassenteufel and P. Zittoun) and Villes sobres (Presses de Sciences Po, 2018). She is the scientific director of the Sciences Po Executive master programme on Territorial Governance and Urban Planning, and teaches comparative public policy analysis, urban governance and environmental policies at Sciences Po and AgroParisTech.


Quan Nha Hong is an assistant professor at the School of Rehabilitation of the Université de Montréal and a researcher at the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du Montréal métropolitain (CRIR) – Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM). She is an occupational therapist with research training in clinical sciences (M.Sc., Université de Sherbrooke), in health technology assessment (M.Sc., Université de Montréal), and in primary care (Ph.D., McGill University). She also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre) at University College London (UCL) and at the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS). She is particularly interested in research methods, including systematic reviews and mixed methods, and knowledge transfer to support evidence-informed decision-making.


Nicolas Jacquemet is Professor of Economics at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and at the Paris School of Economics, where he is in charge of the Master in Economics and Psychology. He co-authored various textbooks targeting either or both master students and/or professionals of policy evaluation on econometrics (De Boeck) and on experimental methods in economics (Cambridge University Press, Economica). His work in the field of public policy evaluation combines various experimental methods (testing, field experiments, controlled and laboratory experiments), as well as survey or administrative data, and focuses on e.g., discrimination in hiring, tax evasion, the management of health care supply or ressource sharing within households. He regularly contributes to the public debate, and has collaborated on a book for the general public presenting the contributions of behavioural economics to the design of public policies (La découverte, Repères collection).


Sarah Louart is a doctoral student in socio-economics of health, attached to the Lille Centre for Sociological and Economic Studies and Research (Clersé, University of Lille). She studies access to health care for poor populations and the processes of introduction and diffusion of health innovations. She is currently working with the NGO ALIMA and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) in Dakar on the realist evaluation of a project aimed at disseminating a health innovation in primary health centres in four West African countries.


Ana Manzano is an associate professor in public policy at the University of Leeds (UK) and a senior applied social scientist expert in evaluation and healthcare policy, systems and practice. Her areas of expertise are realist evaluation, advanced qualitative methods, and the relationship between methods, evidence and programme evaluation. She has worked in international evaluation studies in Europe, Africa and South Asia. Manzano regularly publishes in the main field journals in evaluation, methodology and health policy and systems, including Evaluation, Implementation Science, Evaluation and Program Planning, the International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Social Sciences and Medicine, and Health Policy and Planning. Manzano was part of the RAMESES II study that developed reporting standards for conducting realist evaluations; and she is the Director of Advanced Qualitative Methods at the White Rose Social Sciences Doctoral Training Partnership (UK).


Valérie Pattyn is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Public Administration of Leiden University (The Netherlands), and is partially affiliated to KU Leuven Public Governance Institute (Belgium). Her work focuses on public policy, evidence-informed policy making, and policy evaluation. Her current research programme deals with issues such as the development of evaluation systems and the impact on policy decisions; evidence and policy advice production and use within and outside the civil service; and policymaking under conditions of uncertainty. Besides basic research, she has developed a substantial track record in policy consulting and evaluation research in various policy fields. She serves in various national and international networks including the European Group for Public Administration (co-chair Permanent Study Group Policy Design and Evaluation); the Flemish Evaluation Association (co-ordination committee); the Dutch Evaluation Association (core group); and COMPArative Methods for Systematic cross-caSe analysis (advisory board).


Clément Pin is an assistant professor in sociology at INSHEA, member of GRHAPES. He is a researcher affiliated with the Laboratory for interdisciplinary evaluation of public policies (LIEPP) and the EMA laboratory (Cergy Paris University). His research focuses on: 1) educational and university policies, 2) school and career guidance systems and instruments, 3) local mediation (school-family relations and more broadly territorial governance), 4) evaluation methods (qualitative and mixed). He has recently published with Carlo Barone “L’apport des méthodes mixtes à l’évaluation” (Revue française de science politique, 2021/3) and with Agnès van Zanten “The Impact on French Upper Secondary Schools of Reforms Aiming to Improve Students’ Transition to Higher Education” (Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, OUP, 2021).


Pierre Pluye (†) was a professor in the Department of Family Medicine and an associate member of the School of Information Sciences at McGill University. He co-directed the association “Méthodes mixtes francophonie” (MMF) and the “Valorisation des données” axis of the Unité Système de Santé Apprenant Québec. He was a member of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, and a founding member of the Quebec Network of Research Focused on Frontline Practices, among others. In 2017, he received the “Researcher of the Year” award from the College of Family Physicians of Canada. In 2021, he received the Doctoral Teaching Award from the Association of Northeastern Universities (Canada/USA) which recognizes excellence and innovation in doctoral teaching. Through his expertise in mixed methods and mixed reviews, he tremedously contributed to the development of these methods. His latest research focused on evaluating and improving the effects of online health information. The carreer of Professor Pierre Pluye, who passed away on August, 1st, 2023, is retraced here by the directing committee of Méthodes mixtes francophonie : http://methodesmixtesfrancophonie.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/154045617/PP_2023-08-01.pdf

Estelle Raimondo is a Methods Advisor at the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank, where she leads evaluations and advises IEG teams on methodological design and innovation. With over ten years of experience in development policy evaluation, she is a Faculty Member of the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) and sits on the Board of the European Evaluation Society.  Her research has been published in several international peer-reviewed journals and books. She received her PhD in evaluation from George Washington University and a double master’s degree in international economic policy from Sciences Po Paris and Columbia University.


Thomas Rapp is an associate professor in Economics at LIRAES (Université Paris Cité), co-director of LIEPP’s “Health Policies” research group, and holder of the AgingUP! Chair. He is specialised in health economics, economics of ageing and health policy analysis. He is the author of more than 70 publications (articles, reports, book chapters) on these themes. He was a Harkness fellow at Harvard (2015-2016), a health economist at the OECD (2017-2019), and a visiting professor at Harvard, Columbia and the Catholic University of Rome. He is associate editor of the scientific journal Value in Health. For the past 10 years, his research programme has been funded by several grants, notably from the French National Research Agency, the CommonWealth Fund in New York, and the Innovative Medicines Initiative of the European Commission.


Anne Revillard is an Associate professor of sociology at Sciences Po, member of the Centre for research on social inequalities (CRIS) and director of the Laboratory for interdisciplinary evaluation of public policies (LIEPP). Her research explores the interplay between law, public policy, and the transformations of systems of inequality linked to gender and disability. She has notably contributed to reflections on policy evaluation based on a focus on qualitative methods, and through an approach in terms of policy reception, centred on the viewpoints of people who are the targets of public policies.


Valéry Ridde is Director of Research at CEPED, a joint research unit of the Université Paris Cité and the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD). He is currently based at the Institute of Health and Development (ISED) of the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar (Senegal). His research and evaluation work focuses on universal health coverage, health service financing, programme evaluation, public health policy and health promotion.


Émilie Robert is an associate professor at the School of Public Health of the Université de Montréal. A specialist in the realist approach to evaluation and knowledge synthesis, she trains research teams and assists them in the design and implementation of their evaluative research projects. Émilie has carried out mandates for several international and provincial, public and non-governmental, and academic organisations. Her approach is rooted in knowledge-based evaluation and the development of evaluative thinking.


Lou Safra holds a Phd in cognitive science from the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris). She has been an assistant professor of political psychology at Sciences Po since 2018. She is a member of CEVIPOF, and also associated to the Institut d’Études Cognitives (Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives & Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives et Computationnelles, École Normale Supérieure, Paris) and affiliated to the Laboratory for interdisciplinary evaluation of public policies (LIEPP).  In her research, she applies cognitive science concepts and methods to the study of political and social behaviour. She is particularly interested in the causes and consequences of social, political and economic inequalities, analysing both the reactions to these inequalities, the behavioural effects of these inequalities on disadvantaged populations, and the way in which public policies can contribute to accentuating or limiting these inequalities. To this end, it combines the use of laboratory experiments with the analysis of international survey data and cultural objects.



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Policy Evaluation: Methods and Approaches Copyright © by Anne Revillard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.