Book Title: Policy Evaluation: Methods and Approaches

Book Description: As an applied research practice, policy evaluation has borrowed a range of methods from the social sciences. But its growth has also led to the development of specific approaches. Based on this observation, two fundamental choices guide this book: combining tools from fundamental research with others developed in evaluation practice, and opening a dialogue between quantitative and qualitative methods. Twenty-four qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods or approaches are thus presented in a didactic and illustrated manner, based on a common series of questions that facilitate their comparison.Thanks to its accessibility, this book is both a tool for interdisciplinary and inter-methods dialogue for academics, and a useful introduction for students, practitioners, policymakers and civil society.
Book Information
Book Description
As an applied research practice, policy evaluation has borrowed a range of methods from the social sciences. But its growth has also led to the development of specific approaches.
Based on this observation, two fundamental choices guide this book: combining tools from fundamental research with others developed in evaluation practice, and opening a dialogue between quantitative and qualitative methods.
Twenty-four qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods or approaches are thus presented in a didactic and illustrated manner, based on a common series of questions that facilitate their comparison.
Thanks to its accessibility, this book is both a tool for interdisciplinary and inter-methods dialogue for academics, and a useful introduction for students, practitioners, policymakers and civil society.
Book Source
This book is a cloned version of Méthodes et approches en évaluation des politiques publiques by Sous la direction d'Anne Revillard, published using Pressbooks by Québec : Éditions science et bien commun under a CC BY-SA (Attribution - Partage dans les mêmes conditions) license. It may differ from the original.
Policy Evaluation: Methods and Approaches Copyright © by Anne Revillard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.